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Skills Council Announcements

  • Student Visa Holders studying with PADI RTO

    Student Visa Holders studying with PADI RTO

    Effective immediately, students studying in Australia on a Student Visa can now participate in first aid training and receive a nationally recognised statement of attainment in the first aid units of competencies (HLTAID009 to HLTAID016). A selection of short courses and stand-alone units of competencies are now exempt under the Education Services for Overseas Students (Exempt Courses) Instrument 2021 (ESOS Act). This exemption was developed through consultation with the sector and allows authorised PADI RTO Trainers to deliver the above-mentioned units of competency to overseas students without registering them on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students […]

  • COVID-19 Update

    COVID-19 Update

    We are all being saturated by media coverage, and we understand it may be causing concern to our RTO Students and Trainers. We can assure you that currently, all PADI RTO services are operating based on regularly updated advice from ASQA, the skills councils and the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC). The COVID-19 situation is unprecedented in many ways, making it dynamic and challenging to navigate and manage through for everybody. All our RTO Trainers must be following local governmental advice, practice good social hygiene and stay up-to-date. For additional information on steps to prevent illness, the World Health Organisations (WHO) […]

  • New Standards for Registered Training Organisations in 2015

    New Standards for Registered Training Organisations in 2015

    The Ministers at the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Industry and Skills Council  agreed; to new regulatory Standards for training providers and regulators. The new Standards represent another important step towards an effective risk-based regulatory system and introduce important changes that strengthen industry engagement, improve the quality of training and reduce the regulatory burden on training providers. The new Standards also increase protections for students who want to undertake nationally recognised training and strengthen the requirements for the delivery of training and assessment qualifications – qualifications which underpin the overall quality of training delivered in the VET system. The new […]

  • New draft release of First Aid units

    New draft release of First Aid units

    The Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council announced that a new draft release version of the First Aid units is open for Public Consultation. The proposed changes indicate the removal of the advanced first aid certification requirement to teach the HLTAID units of competency and the deletion of some equipment intensive skills such as the use of a cervical collar and backboards. The announcement of the proposed changes comes only weeks after the required implementation of the new suite of first aid units. Whilst PADI’s RTO is supporting the change we have voiced our concerns about how the review […]
