Guest Post by PADI Course Director and RTO Trainer Angela de Villiers…
When you completed your PADI Divemaster training and IDC you earned a well-respected international qualification that allows you to not only teach and supervise people but proves your competence as a training and education professional. As dive instructors we don’t always think about that, but the PADI System is exactly what it says, an education system, and it comes from solid instructional design and development practices. So why not capitalise on that training and gain another formal qualification by leveraging off your experience?
The Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is a requirement for anyone wishing to teach and issue statements of attainment within the vocational system in Australia. To teach any of the workplace approved first aid or diving and snorkelling courses through PADI RTO you must have the Cert IV TAE. As a PADI Instructor your professional training gives you credit for almost 75% of the Cert IV TAE. If you are experienced you can credit even more. Of the ten required units, most Instructors only need to complete two full units (address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills and design and develop learning material) a good assessor will help you through the recognition of prior learning (RPL) evidence requirements for the other eight units and help you to complete any requirements you can’t RPL.
So why should you bother? Having a formal qualification in addition to your diving qualification opens up more opportunities both part-time and full-time. As a PADI RTO Trainer you can vary what you teach and open more opportunities for income, employment and your own development.
For more information on how to become and RTO Trainer, or for information on RPL Opportunities for PADI Instructors, visit or contact PADI RTO Coordinator, Sarah Ward:
Angela de Villiers is a PADI Course Director, Tec Rec Instructor Trainer and EFR Instructor Trainer with 25 years of experience in the dive industry and 20 years as a PADI Course Director. She has a proven record and experience in many diving locations including Southeast Asia, Africa, Micronesia, New Zealand and Australia. Angela works with Australian Regional Training Services offering Cert IV TAE opportunities for PADI Instructors.
Tags: Assessment, Certificate IV, PADI RTO, RPL, RTO Trainer, Training